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Running and Hashing in Bangkok and the surrounding countryside since 1977.
Bangkok Hash House Harriers (BH3). Every Saturday.
Bangkok Hash House Harriers (BH3)
The Gentlemen's Hash
Men only
Every Saturday since 1977. Hashing and running in Bangkok - and the surrounding countryside.
Bankok! I thrilled. I had been six years at sea, but had only seen Melbourne and Sydney, very good places, charming places in their way - but Bankok!
Joseph Conrad
Car Pool Info

BH3 Run number 2446 15 February
Hares: 'Codpiece' and 'Checkless'
Location: Haad Thong Hotel, Prachuap Khiri Khan

BH3 Run Number 2447 on 22 February 2025 at 1630hrs
Hares: Tiradej 'Porkfinder' S
Location: Erawan Park Avenue. Bangkok Noi
All Hash activities are undertaken at the individual's own risk. ‘’Hash House Harriers’’ defines a style of social jogging and is an informal group of friends enjoying a simple activity together. You are responsible for your own personal safety and belongings. We suggest that you bring a mobile phone on the runs and note the start and finish location which is indicated by a Google Maps link on the BH3 website.

Running and Hashing in Bangkok and the surrounding countryside since 1977.
Bangkok Hash House Harriers (BH3). Every Saturday.
The Bangkok Hash House Harriers is Bangkok's gentlemen's hash. It is led by the Grand Master (GM), runs every Saturday at 5pm in Summer and 4.30pm in Winter, or according to whatever the GMT (Grand Master's Time) is published in the newsletter and on the website before the run. This is a MALE ONLY hash, unless there is an announcement relating to an 'open' outstation run.
Most run sites in Bangkok can be easily reached by taxi if you give yourself time and you can always check on pooled transport (WhatsApp Car Pool link Front Page). Committee members phone numbers and email addresses are also available on the same page of the website but not all live in Bangkok. However, if you are a modern independent and tech savvy man, just click the Google Maps run link on this website's Front Page usually shown for each run and either show or direct your taxi driver. The usual visitor's run fee is 350 Baht. So why not get a taste of what it is like to run with the finest men in hashing shirts on the City's premier hash?
The run is usually in the bush, avoiding road running, notwithstanding a burgeoning metropolis fired by new rail routes to the outer provinces and sometimes if you are lucky, a run through the original and ancient areas of Bangkok and Thonburi (the old capital) over the river. A typical trail takes between one hour and one and a half hours to complete. It is not competitive. Some just walk and talk. There is always a cold beer and snacks afterwards and we reckon that these go down better than anywhere else in the world. Wherever the run is around Bangkok or upcountry, we guarantee that you will see more of 'Amazing Thailand' and its wonderful people than you had planned.
The Bangkok Hash House Harriers is Bangkok's gentlemen's hash. It is led by the Grand Master (GM), runs every Saturday at 5pm in Summer and 4.30pm in Winter, or according to whatever the GMT (Grand Master's Time) is published in the newsletter and on the website before the run. This is a MALE ONLY hash, unless there is an announcement relating to an 'open' outstation run.

Bangkok's Premier Male Hash Hashing in Bangkok since 1977
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